Description |
We create you own Small-Business Global Internet LAN
that provides instantaneous connectivity to your cloud
computing applications, social networks, and
Internet-based websites and Email systems. |
H/W Components |
One or more broadband speed
links with TIMC-compliant DSL/cable modems supplied
by customer. |
TIMC Monitoring |
ISP, CSPs, social network
providers, and web/Email servers are monitored
continuously using E2ERA. |
TIMC Remote Management |
DSL/cable modems, ISPs and
TIMC Web Clients. |
Performance Reports |
Global Internet WAN availability reports are created weekly, quarterly,
annually, and on-demand. |
Problem Reports |
Copies of all open
TIMC-created trouble-tickets are sent to customers
daily. Closed trouble-tickets are sent to customer
as soon as problem is resolved. |
Archived Statistics and Problem Reports |
All performance statistics
and problem reports are archived on SQL database and
are available online at any time. |
(Click here to see larger view.) |
What Is The Internet?
Most small-business owners have a conceptual view of the Internet as
being a single, ubiquitous network that is managed by their Internet
Service Provider (ISP). In fact, in most instances, "the Internet"
is shown as a simple cloud, such as the one shown in figure 1.
Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth! The Internet
is in reality, the most complex packet-switching network in the
world. It is a network composed of tens of thousands of other,
smaller networks. These smaller networks are owned and managed by
dozens of Tier One, Tier Two, and Tier Three ISPs. Figure 2 (though
greatly simplified) is a much more accurate depiction of the
"network of 1000s networks" that comprise the global Internet. The
new Internet Protocol version Six (IPv6) will provide address-space
for the "Internet of the Future" which could conceivably be millions
of times the size of today's Internet. |
Perception versus Reality versus Future |
Conceptual View of Internet
("A Single, Global Network")

Figure 1 |
Real-life View of Today's Internet
("A Network of 1000s Networks")

Figure 2. |
The Internet of Future
("A Network with Billions of End Users")

Figure 3,. |
Creating the Small-Business Global Internet Wide Area Network (WAN)
from the Internet
The Small-Business Global Internet WAN we create for your
business is composed of the same Internet connections that are
used to interconnect general Internet users to Internet service
providers. The only differences between these two Internet
types, is that we monitor your Global Internet WAN connections
on continuous. 24/7 basis. This monitoring not only occurs at
end-points but all the intermediate routers in the end-to-end
path. Each connection in your Global Internet WAN has from eight
to fifteen intermediate routers (also referred to as hops), and
the current operational status of each router is requested by
the TIMC on a frequent basis. This operational status is
requested by sending frequent Route Probes to end-points and all
intermediate routers two times each hour. The responses of these
Route Probes are analyzed and stored on disk, for future
processing. These results are also used to create graphic
displays that illustrate the speed, performance, and
availability of all routers in the specified path. WAN
connections interconnect your enterprise LAN to your business
applications and databases located on servers own by your CSPs,
SNSP, and WSPs. |
Managing the Global
Internet WAN on a Continuous, 24/7 Basis
Click botton below
to see and hear more about creating and managing
the Global Internet WAN:
Like to Hear
If you would like to hear more about our
Technology Infrastructure Management Services
(TIMS); and how they can help make your small
business more efficient, productive, and more
profitable, please call (623) 979-1827 or (602)
