TIMS Performance Management Database
Key Small-Business Global Internet WAN performance management metrics
monitored by the TIMC include:
- Result of multiple E2E Round-Trip-Times (RTTs) for CSP,
SNSP, and WSP connections,
- Lost packets at each hop of the route,
- Results of 10 E2E latency tests, and;
Each connection is monitored on a continuous basis and the
results of these tests are used to determine the instantaneous
performance and availability of the your Global Internet WAN connections at
any point in time. The TIMS Performance Management Database includes
both current and
archived statistical information gathered from E2ERA,
SysLog/SNMP messages, and performance-related statistics gathered from a
variety of other sources. The primary of entries in this database includes:
- E2ERA Test for WAN Router.
- E2ERA for CSP Server.
- E2ERA for SNSP Server.
- E2ERA for WSP Server.
- TIMC Web SpeedTest.
- SysLog and SNMP Messages..
In addition to the above, this database includes performance
statistics manually gathered from the routers, switches, and
wireless access points.
TIMS Problem Management Database |
The TIMS Problem Management Database includes current and historical information
regarding current problems as well as those hat have been detected but
TIMC or that have been reported by end-users. or others. Each problem is
documented in the form of a TIMC Trouble Ticket that cannot be closed
until the reported problem is resolved. These trouble tickets provides
the TIMC system with a mechanism that ensures that all detected or
reported problems are solved in a timely, efficient manner.
TIMS Inventory Database
Prior to changing anything in your existing
environment, we will perform a comprehensive analysis of your existing
networks, applications and databases, and operations. After this
analysis is completed and documented, we will then create an inventory database
that includes all information required to
configure, optimize, and manage the Global Internet WAN connections, LAN, and
End-Point Networking (EPN) Devices of your technology Infrastructure. As
an example of entries in this Database include:
- Location (Address, City, State, Zip Code).
- Department.
- IPv4/IPv6 Address (if static).
- Manufacturer Name and Phone #.
- Tech Support Phone #.
- PIN or Security Code.
- Model Number.
- Serial Number.
- CPU Type (Incl. # of Cores).
- Operating System.
- RAM.
- Hard Disk Capacity.
- Network Adapter & Speed.
- Media Access Control (MAC) Address.
- Firmware/BIOS Release Level.